Atul Ltd 2008-09

Schedule forming part of Consolidated Balance Shee t As at March 31, 2009 (Rs in lacs) (Rs in lacs) Advances recoverable in cash or in kind or for value to be recovered Good 5,786.07 5,855.10 Doubtful 780.90 305.44 Less: Provision 780.90 305.44 - - 5,786.07 5,855.10 Balances with Customs, Bombay Port Trust, Excise etc. 899.75 3,160.66 Sundry deposits 804.58 707.85 MAT credit entitlement 638.00 519.00 Tax paid in advance, net of provisions 644.60 1,184.16 11,106.73 11,622.84 56,399.18 63,709.58 * Includes Rs13.92 lacs deposit, receipt of which is endorsed in favour of Government Departments. (previous year Rs13.92 lacs) SCHEDULE 7 CURRENT ASSETS, LOANS AND ADVANCES (Contd.) As at March 31, 2009 As at March 31, 2008 (a) Liabilities: Acceptances 2,980.21 2,231.13 Sundry creditors: (i) Due to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise 24.14 6.17 (ii) Due to others 16,047.53 20,262.21 16,071.67 20,268.38 Over drawn current accounts as per books - 2.52 Investors Education and Protection Fund shall be credited by the following (see Note below): Unclaimed dividends 69.32 60.28 Matured fixed deposits 0.10 0.10 Interest payable on fixed deposits 14.62 15.42 84.04 75.80 Interest accrued but not due on loans 141.10 63.04 Unclaimed amount of sale proceeds of fractional coupons of bonus shares of erstwile The Atul Products Ltd 9.64 9.64 Unclaimed amount of sale proceeds of fractional coupons of bonus shares 1.38 1.38 19,288.04 22,651.89 (b) Provisions: For contingencies 274.87 274.55 For unencashed leave 1,222.49 1,156.37 For dividend tax 151.23 151.23 Proposed dividend 889.85 889.85 2,538.44 2,472.00 21,826.48 25,123.89 Note: There is no amount due and outstanding to be credited to Investor Education and Protection fund as at March 31, 2009 SCHEDULE 8 CURRENT LIABILITIES AND PROVISIONS As at March 31, 2009 As at March 31, 2008 98