Atul Ltd 2008-09

15 Solid waste disposal site We have invested in the required measures to ensure a safe environment for our people to work and the surrounding communities to live in. We accord high priority to health, be it of our employees or others connected with us. We are careful about what gaseous, liquid or solid wastes we discharge. During the year, we took the following initiatives towards: Improving Safety: i. Reduced the identified ‘hot spots’ across the divisions ii. Conducted fire adequacy audit through Loss Control Association, Vadodara iii. Acquired a state-of-the-art multi- purpose fire tender Improving Health: iv. Installed a weather monitoring system to provide online atmospheric data and enhance our response to gas leaks v. Organised workshops by medical doctors to promote a healthy life- style vi. Imparted relevant knowledge to employees about diseases and their prevention Improving Environment: vii. Reduced solvent losses, improved yields and reduced effluent load viii. Reduced water consumption by about 20% ix. Joined hands with a cement manufacturing company to use fly ash generated