Atul Ltd 2008-09

| Annual Report 2008-09 21 Crop Protection Products Herbicides Fungicides Others Sales increased mainly on account of higher volumes in exports and domestic sales of branded goods. Weak Re on the one hand and better export realisations on the other, helped secure sales growth. The products made by the Division are used mainly in the crop protection segment of the Agriculture Industry. The Agriculture Industry performed exceedingly well on the back of robust demand and higher realisations by the farmers for their produce. The competitors are based all across the globe and also in India. The Division enjoys cost leadership in some key products, given its backward integration and economies of scale. Its existing product portfolio is not comprehensive for export and has limited market accessibility. Product demand is expected to be high given the increasing need for food, fibre and feed. The Division is exploring a few new products with synergy and market potential. The performance of Agriculture Industry is linked to weather which is unpredictable. 2007-08 2008-09 % change over 2007-08 Operating revenues (Rs crores) 205 250 22 Contribution to total operating revenues (%) 20 21 1