Atul Ltd 2008-09

22 Pharmaceuticals & Intermediates Products API Intermediates APIs Others Sales increased on the back of non- pharma products and from higher sales of API intermediates. The new API intermediates introduced in the recent times are exhibiting a promising future. The products made by the Division are used mainly by Pharmaceutical and Aerospace Industries. These Industries have so far shown that they are able to sustain margins and in turn are in a position to offer better prices for the products they buy. The competitors are based in China, India and in other countries. The Division is backward integrated and possesses good infrastructure. It has the ability to meet the emerging needs of the customers. The Division is a new entrant in Pharmaceutical Industry and has still to establish itself in terms of reputation and size. There are immense opportunities, and it is expected to grow rapidly in the near future. Since the products in Pharmaceutical Industry require several statutory approvals, it is possible that some of them may not get commercialised. 2007-08 2008-09 % change over 2007-08 Operating revenues (Rs crores) 67 74 12 Contribution to total operating revenues (%) 7 6 (1)