Atul Ltd 2008-09

Schedule forming part of Profit and Loss Account For the year ended March 31, 2009 (Rs in lacs) (Rs in lacs) Interest: On fixed loans 2,985.54 2,202.78 Others 993.57 1,021.24 3,979.11 3,224.02 Discounting charges 123.69 49.41 4,102.80 3,273.43 SCHEDULE 14 INTEREST & FINANCE CHARGES 2008-09 2007-08 Rent 143.46 146.97 Rates and taxes 117.23 75.73 Insurance 152.12 158.08 Site maintenance 121.88 88.35 Freight, cartage and octroi 2,805.58 2,869.19 Advertisement and publicity 111.46 56.32 Commission and discount 2,460.90 2,366.51 Brokerage 2.52 2.91 Travelling and conveyance 733.68 728.74 Payments to statutory Auditors 39.99 42.47 Payments to cost Auditors 1.38 2.33 Directors' fees and travelling 23.64 18.61 Directors' commission (other than Managing & Executive Director) 12.00 10.43 Charities and donations 32.36 26.29 Bad debts 50.43 115.57 Irrecoverable balances written off 41.94 13.07 Provision for doubtful debts 255.83 284.97 Provision for doubtful advances 476.63 – Excess provision for doubtful loans & advances written back – (330.81) Sales tax 27.67 21.58 Miscellaneous 2,767.40 2,372.91 Obsolete and unserviceable material written off 417.26 44.93 Loss on stock due to fire – 9.29 Loss on assets sold, discarded or demolished 35.34 24.76 Debits | (credits) relating to earlier years 26.38 (46.85) Excess depreciation written back (0.08) (24.46) 10,857.00 9,077.89 SCHEDULE 15 OTHER EXPENDITURE 2008-09 2007-08 66