Atul Ltd 2008-09

Schedules forming part of the Account s | Annual Report 2008-09 SCHEDULE 16 NOTES FORMING PART OF THE ACCOUNTS (Contd.) (c) Details of payments and provisions on account of remuneration to Executive Wholetime Directors included in the respective heads of expenditure in Profit and Loss Account as under: Particulars J L Shah *B N Mohanan 2008-09 2007-08 (i) Salary 21.04 4.81 25.85 28.05 (ii) Other allowances – 2.96 2.96 – (iii) Commission 18.93 – 18.93 28.05 (iv) Gratuity 1.35 0.23 1.58 1.17 (v) Contribution to provident and other funds 4.95 1.05 6.00 6.48 (vi) Perquisites 38.42 2.42 40.84 5.84 Total 84.69 11.47 96.16 69.59 Estimated monetary value of perquisites to Executive Directors on account of furniture 0.23 0.09 0.32 0.23 * Pertains to a period from January 01, 2009 to March 31, 2009 and is subject to the approval of Members. Unit Qty Rs in lacs Qty Rs in lacs Toluene MT 10,136 4,215.08 10,937 4,283.00 Phenol MT 5,928 3,742.44 5,917 3,888.40 Sulphur MT 22,986 4,840.20 14,439 1,953.39 Methanol MT 6,956 1,132.98 7,981 1,423.65 Others 47,201.16 45,981.65 Total 61,131.86 57,530.09 8 Details of raw materials consumption and goods traded in: (a) Raw materials consumption: Particulars 2008-09 2007-08 Category Rs in lacs Percentage Rs in lacs Percentage Imported 15,834.07 25.90 18,608.55 32.35 Indigenous 45,297.79 74.10 38,921.54 67.65 Total 61,131.86 100.00 57,530.09 100.00 (b) Imported and indigenous raw materials consumption: Name MT Rs in lacs MT Rs in lacs Dyestuffs 90 202.16 151 434.28 Intermediates 10 49.76 4 15.72 Chemical 524 1,174.39 1,330 2,045.56 Agro products 68,925(nos) 876.35 – – Total 2,302.66 2,495.56 (c) Goods traded in purchases: (Rs in lacs) 69