Atul Ltd 2008-09

Schedules forming part of the Account s | Annual Report 2008-09 SCHEDULE 16 NOTES FORMING PART OF THE ACCOUNTS (Contd.) 2008-09 2007-08 2008-09 2007-08 2008-09 2007-08 MT MT MT MT MT MT Benzyl chlorofomate - - 200 200 108 136 Sulfuryl Chloride 100 100 - - - - Dichloro Acetic Acid 75 75 - - - - Dichloro Acetic Acid Methyl Ester (MDA) 60 60 - - - - Ethyl Carbamate (Urethane) 30 30 - - - - 2.4 D Esters 250 250 500 500 230 - Lambda cyhalothine - - 36 36 - - Dicalcium Phosphate 4,000 4,000 - - - - Indoxacarb Technical - - 60 60 13 40 Mono Ethyl Aniline 150 150 - - - - Carbamite 160 160 200 200 27 - Ester of Chloro Formic Acid 100 100 100 100 - - Diuron Tech 100 100 - - - - Tetradifon 50 50 250 250 - - Isoproturon 100 100 - - - - Metaxuron 100 100 - - - - Penta Chloro Phenol 200 200 - - - - 2:4 Diamino Benzophenol 20 20 - - - - Chloro - Hydroxy-Quinoline - - 25 25 - - Neonicotinoid(Imidacloprid & Acetamiprid) - - 20 20 2 1 Sulfonylurea - - 100 50 63 30 Isoprothailone - - 40 - 16 - Tolyl Para Sulfonyl Ethyl Carbamate 100 100 - - - - Ortho Toluene Sulfonamide 100 100 - - - - Para Toluene Sulfonamide 70 70 - - - - Para Toluene Sulfonyl Chloride 88 88 - - - - Saccharine U.S.P. 50 50 - - - - Halazone 40 40 - - - - Chloramine 20 20 - - - - Menadine Derivatives 3 3 - - - - Parachloro Benzene Sulfonamide 11 11 - - - - Iodochloro Hydroxyquinoline 170 170 170 170 - - Nikethamide 5 5 - - - - Tolbutamide 25 25 - - - - Mebendazole 20 20 - - - - Chlorzoxazone 20 20 - - - - (a) As certified by General Manager - Works | Manufacturing | Executive Director and being a technical matter, accepted by the Auditors, as correct. (b) Class of goods based on classification given in the Industries (Development & Regulation) Act, 1951, under D.G.T.D. Registration. (c) In addition to existing licensed capacity, Colors Division has also filed memorandum for manufacture of 400 Tons of Vat Dyes with the Department of Industrial Development Ministry of Industry, Government of India. (A) Licensed and installed capacities and production (Contd.) : Class of goods Licensed capacity Installed capacity (a) Production 71