Atul Ltd 2008-09

Schedules forming part of the Account s | Annual Report 2008-09 SCHEDULE 16 NOTES FORMING PART OF THE ACCOUNTS (Contd.) 11 Related party information: (a) Name of related party and nature of relationship: No Name of the related party Description of relationship 1 Atul Europe Ltd Subsidiary 2 Atul Americas Inc Subsidiary 3 Atul Deutschland GmbH Subsidiary 4 Atul International Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd Subsidiary 5 Ameer Trading Corp Ltd Subsidiary 6 Amal Ltd Associate company 7 Gujarat Synthwood Ltd Jointly promoted company 8 AtRo Ltd Jointly promoted company 9 Key management personnel: Mr Sunil S Lalbhai - Chairman and Managing Director Mr Samveg A Lalbhai - Managing Director Mr J L Shah - Executive Director (up to December 31, 2008) Mr B N Mohanan - Whole time Director (from January 01, 2009) 10 Relatives of key management personnel: Dr Vimla S Lalbhai - Mother of Mr Sunil S Lalbhai Mrs Smita J Shah - Wife of Mr J L Shah No Name of the related party Subsidiaries Jointly Associate Key Relatives of key promoted company management management companies personnel personnel Sales and income: 1 Sale of goods 14,921.44 – 6.93 – – (13,768.00) (24.81) – – – 2 Interest received 41.01 – – – – (8.59) – – – – 3 Supply of services – – – – – – – (43.35) – – Purchases and expenses: 1 Purchase of goods 81.09 – – – – (130.24) – – – – 2 Commission paid 159.61 – – – – (163.86) – – – – 3 Services charges paid 27.69 – – – – (27.69) – – – – 4 Remuneration – – – 248.72 – – – – (215.17) – 5 Discount paid 75.26 – – – – – – – – – (b) Transactions with related parties: (Rs in lacs) 73