Atul Ltd 2008-09

Schedules forming part of the Account s | Annual Report 2008-09 SCHEDULE 16 NOTES FORMING PART OF THE ACCOUNTS (Contd.) 2008-09 2007-08 2008-09 2007-08 2008-09 2007-08 5 Capital expenditure 520.81 1,211.65 3,649.78 4,890.59 4,170.59 6,102.24 Unallocated capital expenditure - - - - 444.49 102.06 Total capital expenditure 4,615.08 6,204.30 6 Depreciation 1,538.07 1,602.13 1,569.17 1,281.52 3,107.24 2,883.65 Unallocated depreciation - - - - 64.59 75.88 Total depreciation 3,171.83 2,959.53 7 Non cash expenses - - - - - - Unallocated non cash expenses - - - - - - Total non cash expenses - - - - - - (a) Information about business segment - primary (Contd.): Particulars Colors Speciality Chemicals Total and others 2008-09 2007-08 2008-09 2007-08 2008-09 2007-08 Segment revenue 65,257.07 57,227.86 57,604.27 49,904.06 1,22,861.34 1,07,131.92 Carrying cost of assets by location of assets 95,994.94 1,02,489.31 10,068.65 10,068.65 1,06,063.59 1,12,557.96 Addition to assets and intangible assets 4,615.08 6,204.30 - - 4,615.08 6,204.30 Other disclosure: 1 Segments have been identified in line with the Accounting Standard - 17 "Segment Reporting" taking into account the organisation structure as well as the differing risks and returns. 2 Company has disclosed business segment as the primary segment. 3 Composition of business segment: Name of segment: Comprises: (a) Colors Dyes & Intermediates (b) Speciality chemicals and others Agro chemicals, Agro Products, Pharmaceuticals, Polymers, Other Chemicals and Aromatic Compounds and Cresols 4 The Segment revenue, results, assets and liabilities include respective amounts identifiable to each of the segment and amounts allocated on reasonable basis. (b) Business secondary - geographical by customers: Particulars In India Outside India Total Particulars March 31, 2009 March 31, 2008 Profit for the year attributable to the equity shareholders Rs in lacs 3,786.97 3,662.01 Basic | weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the year 2,96,61,733 2,96,61,733 Nominal value of equity share Rs 10 10 Basic and diluted Earning per Share Rs 12.77 12.35 13 Earning per Share : Earning per Share (EPS) - The numerators and denominators used to calculate basic and diluted Earning per Share: 14 Provisions: Name of the provision Balance Accrued Payments Closing carried during during balance as at the year the year carried as at March 31, 2008 March 31, 2009 Leave encashment 1,154.80 300.67 236.40 1,219.07 (Rs in lacs) (Rs in lacs) (Rs in lacs) 75