Atul Ltd 2008-09

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account For the year ended March 31, 2009 | Annual Report 2008-09 As per our attached report of even date For and on behalf of the Board of Directors For & on behalf of Dalal & Shah G S Patel Sunil S Lalbhai Chartered Accountants B S Mehta Chairman and Managing Director H S Shah Ashish S Dalal T R Gopi Kannan S M Datta Partner President, Finance and B N Mohanan Samveg A Lalbhai Membership No 033596 Company Secretary Directors Managing Director Mumbai Mumbai June 05, 2009 May 29, 2009 (Rs in lacs) INCOME: Gross sales 127,143.86 110,181.80 Less: Excise duty 6,916.61 7,372.20 Net sales 120,227.25 102,809.60 Operating income 9 2,165.68 1,608.03 Sales and operating income 122,392.93 104,417.63 Other income 10 1,334.41 2,044.50 123,727.34 106,462.13 EXPENDITURE: Cost of goods sold and materials consumed 11 65,911.25 60,237.64 Manufacturing expenditure 12 20,365.39 19,005.90 Employees' emoluments 13 9,468.40 8,412.18 Interest and finance charges 14 4,140.85 3,294.37 Others 15 11,244.18 9,672.37 Exchange rate difference 4,381.11 (345.82) Depreciation & amortisation 3,364.73 2,967.85 Amortisation of leasehold land 27.97 4.78 3,392.70 2,972.63 Less: Amount withdrawn from revaluation reserve 205.84 - 3,186.86 2,972.63 118,698.04 103,249.27 Profit before tax 5,029.30 3,212.86 Tax expenses: Current tax 766.39 385.27 Deferred tax 162.86 64.71 Wealth tax 9.50 9.70 Fringe benefit tax 82.26 75.23 1,021.01 534.91 Less: MAT credit entitlement - 257.00 1,021.01 277.91 PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 4,008.29 2,934.95 Tax adjustments relating to earlier years: Income tax | wealth tax 110.53 - Additional MAT entitlement for the earlier years 119.00 112.00 4,237.82 3,046.95 As per last account 20,103.50 18,463.83 24,341.32 21,510.78 General reserve 378.70 366.20 Proposed dividend 889.85 889.85 Corporate dividend tax on above 151.23 151.23 1,041.08 1,041.08 Balance carried to Balance Sheet 22,921.54 20,103.50 Basic | diluted Earning per Share (see Note 10) Rs14.29 Rs10.27 Notes forming part of the Accounts 16 Schedule 2008-09 2007-08 89