Atul Ltd 2010-11

Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2010-11 Consolidated Balance Sheet as at March 31, 2011 ( ` crores) Particulars Schedule As at March 31, 2011 As at March 31, 2010 I SOURCES OF FUNDS 1 Shareholders’ funds (a) Capital 1 29.68 29.68 (b) Reserves and surplus 2 540.89 458.16 570.57 487.84 2 Loan funds (a) Secured loans 3 295.91 259.01 (b) Unsecured loans 4 32.32 36.07 328.23 295.08 3 Deferred tax liability (net) (see Note 5) 23.04 22.57 4 Minority interest 3.95 3.99 925.79 809.48 II APPLICATION OF FUNDS 1 Fixed assets (a) Gross block 5 973.51 975.20 (b) Less: Depreciation, amortisation and impairment loss 582.84 562.72 (c) Net block 390.67 412.48 (d) Capital work in progress, expenditure to date 35.76 7.85 (e) Advances against capital expenditure 6.66 5.23 433.09 425.56 2 Investments 6 85.06 53.34 3 Current assets, loans and advances 7 (a) Inventories 282.35 225.80 (b) Sundry debtors 292.07 263.46 (c) Cash and bank balances 23.17 32.64 (d) Other current assets – – (e) Loans and advances 150.51 136.66 748.10 658.56 Less: Current liabilities and provisions 8 (a) Liabilities 301.78 278.04 (b) Provisions 38.68 49.94 340.46 327.98 Net current assets 407.64 330.58 925.79 809.48 Notes forming part of the Accounts 16 As per our attached report of even date For and on behalf of the Board of Directors For Dalal & Shah Firm Registration No. 102020W Sunil S Lalbhai Chartered Accountants Chairman & Managing Director G S Patel S S Baijal B S Mehta H S Shah S Venkatesh S M Datta Partner R A Shah Samveg A Lalbhai Membership No. F-037942 T R Gopi Kannan V S Rangan Managing Director Mumbai President, Finance & B N Mohanan Mumbai May 13, 2011 Company Secretary Directors May 13, 2011