Atul Ltd 2010-11

( ` crores) Schedules forming part of Consolidated Balance Sheet as at March 31, 2011 ( ` crores) SCHEDULE 3 SECURED LOANS As at March 31, 2011 As at March 31, 2010 Term loans from financial institutions and banks Foreign currency term loans 26.58 34.97 Rupee term loans 128.06 175.59 Working capital loans from banks Foreign currency working capital loans 85.34 29.93 Rupee working capital loans 55.93 18.52 295.91 259.01 Amount due within one year ` 51.95 crores (Previous year ` 63.91 crores) ( ` crores) SCHEDULE 4 UNSECURED LOANS As at March 31, 2011 As at March 31, 2010 Fixed deposits * 11.30 16.87 Interest accrued on cumulative deposits 1.02 0.90 From banks 20.00 18.30 32.32 36.07 Amount due within one year ` 23.68 crores (Previous year ` 23.43 crores) * Including deposits from The Chairman & Managing Director ` 0.40 crore (Previous year ` 0.40 crore) SCHEDULE 2 RESERVES AND SURPLUS (contd) As at March 31, 2011 As at March 31, 2010 Hedging reserve (see Note 4 ) (5.09) (15.03) General reserve As per last account 49.37 42.71 Add: Transferred from central and state subsidy reserve – 0.98 Add: Transferred from unclaimed amount of fractional coupons of bonus shares 0.11 – Add: Set aside this year 5.68 5.68 55.16 49.37 Surplus as per annexed Account 334.27 265.21 540.89 458.16 102 | 103