Atul Ltd 2010-11

 32 to cut down pollutants  16 to debottleneck, reduce time cycles and improve batch sizes  9 to improve HR processes Our Company profile has changed not only in terms of sales, but also its diversity. The earlier way of segmentation though then valid had to be reviewed, and we have from this year started presenting our businesses under two new Segments , namely Life Science Chemicals and Performance & Other Chemicals. This is further explained on page 25. We will be able to face external situations better if we have internal preparedness. We are hence upgrading our HR processes and focusing on relevant behavioural and functional competencies so as to help us become more capable. Leadership is more about self management, and we are endeavouring to internalize this basic understanding that we must learn to manage ourselves first to be a good leader. The founder of our Company and one of the foremost Indians of his times, Mr Kasturbhai Lalbhai , lived his life with a larger purpose and fulfilled his social responsibilities in good measure. While being a part of this distinguished legacy is a privilege for all of us working with Atul, it also casts on us the responsibility to live up to it. You will be pleased to know that our Company is committing more to this cause, not only in terms of money, but also time. We are convinced that this will only improve and sustain the performance of our Company, for this is the ultimate obligation of any business. Our Company has competent people who are committed to work on a long-term basis; this though difficult now a days, is essential when we want to achieve a common vision. Furthermore, the Board of our Company consists of eminent professionals. It is my privilege to work under the guidance of such distinguished Directors on the one hand and with a team of dedicated employees on the other. We in Atul are confident to face the future, and you may remain assured of our total commitment to the tasks on hand. May God be with us in all that lies ahead. Sincerely, Sunil S Lalbhai Our collective and individual actions are focused on consistent improvements in all that we undertake. Given that actions and results are different stages of the same process, results will follow actions. It is therefore our endeavour to build a company where we learn to develop depth in our thinking for if our thoughts are good so will be our actions and therefore our results. Sunil S Lalbhai 08 I 09