Atul Ltd 2010-11

Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2010-11 ( ` crores) Schedules forming part of Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for the year ended March 31, 2011 SCHEDULE 11 COST OF GOODS SOLD AND MATERIALS CONSUMED 2010-11 2009-10 Raw materials consumed Stocks at commencement 36.86 40.67 Add: Purchases 901.57 658.31 938.43 698.98 Less: Stocks at close 51.60 36.86 886.83 662.12 Finished goods purchases 42.35 33.59 (Increase) | decrease in stock Stocks at close Materials-in-process 101.46 87.79 Finished goods 95.50 78.31 196.96 166.10 Less: Stocks at commencement Materials-in-process 87.79 60.72 Finished goods 78.31 83.35 166.10 144.07 (30.86) (22.03) Excise duty variation on opening | closing stocks (0.70) 1.07 897.62 674.75 ( ` crores) SCHEDULE 12 MANUFACTURING EXPENDITURE 2010-11 2009-10 Stores consumed 10.93 10.85 Power, fuel & water 137.99 112.52 Conversion & plant operation charges 16.76 12.92 Building repairs 10.55 7.93 Machinery repairs 45.08 34.05 Sundry repairs 4.66 3.61 225.97 181.88 ( ` crores) SCHEDULE 13 EMPLOYEES’ EMOLUMENTS 2010-11 2009-10 Salaries, wages, bonus etc. 95.06 90.36 Contribution to Provident and other Funds 9.17 10.31 Welfare expenses 3.53 3.63 Payment under VRS 0.44 1.82 108.20 106.12