Atul Ltd 2010-11

( ` crores) Schedules forming part of Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for the year ended March 31, 2011 SCHEDULE 14 INTEREST AND FINANCE CHARGES 2010-11 2009-10 Interest On fixed loans 18.16 21.98 Others 6.67 3.28 24.83 25.26 Discounting charges 0.71 0.50 25.54 25.76 ( ` crores) SCHEDULE 15 OTHERS 2010-11 2009-10 Rent 1.56 1.61 Rates and taxes 0.79 1.09 Insurance 2.27 2.43 Freight, cartage and octroi 44.44 30.67 Discount on sales 14.93 10.59 Cash discount 7.90 7.60 Commission to others 11.77 8.15 Brokerage 0.02 0.04 Travelling and conveyance 9.59 8.00 Directors’ fees and travelling 0.27 0.22 Directors’ commission (other than Managing & Whole time Director) 0.50 0.27 Charities and donations 0.37 0.31 Bad debts and irrecoverable balances written off 1.71 17.79 Less: Provisions made in earlier years in respect of amounts written off during the year, adjusted as per contra – 16.16 1.71 1.63 Irrecoverable loans and advances written off 2.75 – Less: Adjusted against provision for contingencies 2.75 – – – Provision for doubtful debts 0.41 – Miscellaneous expenses 42.81 38.24 Exchange rate difference on consolidation for the year (0.46) 1.68 Obsolete and unserviceable material written down 0.61 1.87 Loss on assets sold, discarded or demolished 1.97 0.43 Debits relating to earlier years 0.07 0.59 141.53 115.42 110 | 111