Atul Ltd 2010-11

Production Sites Overseas Subsidiary Companies Customer Base Our endeavour is to enhance the breadth of our thinking to seek growth and the depth to become more competitive. During the year, we had taken a number of initiatives, and we are pleased to share some of them as also their outcome. Operational Highlights Our universe has in it something for every age to investigate. Nature does not reveal her mysteries once and for all. - Carl Segan People ÿ Centralization of Finance, Human Resources, Research and Technology ÿ e-learning module in PeopleSoft ÿ Articulation of behavioural competencies for senior management Environment Protection ÿ Reduction in gaseous emissions of Chlorine, Hydrochloric Acid, Ammonia and acid mist ÿ Reduction in liquid effluent by 10% despite increase in production by 16% ÿ Reduction in solid waste by 37% Manufacturing ÿ Increase in yield of 20 products ÿ Decrease in time cycle of 8 products ÿ Increase in batch size of 13 products Atul Ltd I Annual Report 2010-11