Atul Ltd 2010-11

Water and Energy ÿ Decrease in water consumption in 17 products ÿ Decrease in steam consumption in 10 products ÿ Decrease in electricity consumption in 15 products Systems ÿ Improvement in 20 business and people related processes Marketing ÿ Total value up 29% ÿ Total volume up 16% ÿ p -Anisic Aldehyde volume up 39% ÿ Vat finished value up 59% in continuous dyeing ÿ Epoxy resins value up 65% and volume 47% ÿ First time sales of Sulphur Black in Bangladesh and Indonesia ÿ First time sales of Crop Protection products in Peru and Sudan ÿ Appointment of more than 400 distributors New Business ÿ Commercialization of 6 formulations in Crop Protection ÿ Introduction of 3 products in Pharma & Inters ÿ Launch of 23 products and (or) formulations in Polymers ÿ Purchase and integration of Polygrip brand and sales ÿ Exclusive distributorship of WD-40 for India Recognition ÿ Government of Gujarat Tree Nurturing Encouragement award ÿ Siemens Ecovatives Earth Care award 10 I 11 For Graphical Representation Only. Not To Scale.