Atul Ltd 2010-11

Application of Funds Fixed Assets During the year, the Company invested ` 22 crores in fixed assets. The segment-wise spends are outlined below: Depreciation Depreciation increased by 3% over the previous year, corresponding to the increase in plant, machinery and building. Cumulative depreciation as a part of total gross block was 60%. Investments The Company invested most of its operational surplus in its business except for ` 8.30 crores invested for acquiring strategic shareholding in new businesses. An amount of ` 10 crores was invested as Promoter’s contribution in the form of Preference Shares (by conversion of loans already made) in an associate company. Other investments remained unchanged at ` 65 crores. Inventories Inventories constituted 35% of the current assets as on March 31, 2011. Inventories increased by 23% to ` 261 crores mainly due to increase in sales of 29%. Inventories holding days reduced by 3 days to 63 days. ` crores Segment Life Science Chemicals Performance & Other Chemicals Unallocable 5 11 6 12 I 13 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 2010-11 2009-10 2008-09 2007-08 2006-07 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Return on Average Capital Employed 613 9% 9% 11% 13% 18% ` crores % 722 822 810 837 Average Capital Employed+ Return on Average Capital Employed %+* + Excluding capital work in progress * Excluding exceptional income | expenses 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 2010-11 2009-10 2008-09 2007-08 2006-07 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Debt-Equity 300 1.23 0.99 0.80 0.61 0.58 ` crores 369 428 368 295 328 433 459 485 567 Debt Shareholders’ Equity Debt-Equity Ratio 0 50 100 150 200 250 2010-11 2009-10 2008-09 2007-08 2006-07 EPS and Book Value per Share 101 10 12 13 19 30 146 155 164 191 Book value EPS CAGR EPS - 35% Book Value - 16% `