Atul Ltd 2010-11

Safety, Health & Environment As one of the oldest chemical companies of independent India, Atul has taken initiatives since its inception to enhance safety, promote health and protect environment. The Company is continuing to consistently invest its resources so as to benchmark against the best in the world and remains committed to conduct business responsibly. The Company further refined the linkage between the performance in SH&E and the performance rating of the concerned managers. In all, it took 34 initiatives to improve its performance, 14 in safety, 11 in health and 9 in environment protection. Some of the key initiatives taken during the year and (or) their outcomes are mentioned below: Safety  added 3 new procedures  published a new book-let for better dissemination of information  registered 2 large volume products, p -Cresol and Manganese Sulfate for REACh through Atul Europe and 2 more lined up  notified 50 products for Classification, Labeling and Packaging legislation of European Union  converted 100 Material Safety Data Sheets into Extended Safety Data Sheets  conducted 38 programs for enhancing safety awareness  4 employees received Shram Ratna award, given by the Government of Gujarat Atul Ltd I Annual Report 2010-11