Atul Ltd 2010-11

Aromatics Products p-Cresol, Others Aromatics product group mainly comprises p -Cresol and its downstream products and used by Flavour & Fragrance and Personal Care industries. The group comprises 21 products. During the year, sales of the product group increased by 17% to ` 188 crores. Export sales increased by 22% to ` 130 crores and formed 69% of the total. The Company undertook capacity expansion of p -Cresol. World market of p -Cresol is estimated at 65,000 mt and is growing at about 2%. Though earlier the product used to be manufactured in the UK and the USA, China and India are now the major suppliers of the product. Segment: Performance & Other Chemicals 2010-11 2009-10 % change Sales ( ` crores) 1016 784 30 Share in total sales (%) 67 67 - The performance and other details of the product groups are given below: The main user industries, namely, Flavour & Fragrance and Personal Care, are growing well because of the increasing population on the one hand and improving standard of living on the other. The Company will participate in this growth by i) expanding capacities, ii) introducing new products, iii) improving efficiencies and iv) widening its market reach. Fluctuations in foreign exchange will impact sales realizations. 26 | 27