Atul Ltd 2010-11

Bonded by Values Integrity The foundation of every relationship is trust, and trust is based on Integrity. Integrity means working with honesty, following the highest standards of professionalism. Integrity is when our decisions and actions remain consistent with our thoughts and words, written or spoken. Understanding How well one works with others depends on his (her) ways to connect, and this in turn is based on his (her) level of Understanding of human relationships. Understanding does not mean accepting poor performance, but it means doing it the right way. Understanding is not only an external manifestation, but also an internal realisation. Unity Living in a state of oneness brings Unity. Unity means working together and taking advantage of synergy while harnessing unique abilities of each individual to achieve a larger goal. Unity is the realisation that though we may work in different areas, we are finally interconnected and that interdependence is a higher order of living than independence; though we may be many, we share a common destiny. Responsibility Responsibility implies doing whatever it takes to deliver value and taking ownership of our actions. Responsibility must also give rise to the realization that what is good for the business must be in the overall good; in other words, working in the spirit of trusteeship not only for the shareholders, but also for other stakeholders such that ultimately what comes from the society goes back to it many times over. Excellence Excellence is a drive that is more from inside than outside; it is about one seeking to continuously improve and better performance. Excellence means endeavouring to achieve the highest possible standards in our day to day work; it means to develop an inspiring vision and realise it. In many ways, Excellence is also a journey, not simply a destination in itself. The name Atul is a unique asset, which amongst others, connotes a rich heritage of Values. In an environment where change is a way of life, continuity of Values is fundamental to us. We have therefore formalized key Values and are committed to institutionalize them. We will seek to create an environment wherein these Values are consistently practised and nurtured and ensure that they are not compromised to realize short-term gains. 06 I 07