Atul Ltd 2011-12

Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2011-12 NOTE 3 RESERVES AND SURPLUS As at March 31, 2012 As at March 31, 2011 (e) General reserve: Balance as at the beginning of the year 55.16 49.37 Add: Transferred from unclaimed amount of fractional coupons of bonus shares - 0.11 Less: Investment in associate company now tranferred on becoming subsidiary company (0.97) - Add: Transferred from Statement of Profit and Loss 8.81 5.68 Balance as at the end of the year 63.00 55.16 (f) Surplus in Statement of Profit and Loss: Balance as at the beginning of the year 334.27 265.22 Add: Profit for the year 91.10 90.25 Amount available for appropriation 425.37 355.47 Less: Appropriations General reserve 8.81 5.68 Proposed dividend on Equity Shares for the year {at ` 4.50 per share (March 31, 2011 ` 4.50 per share)} 13.35 13.35 Dividend distribution tax on proposed dividend 2.17 2.17 Balance as at the end of the year 401.04 334.27 624.38 540.89 ( ` cr) NOTE 4 LONG-TERM BORROWINGS Non-current Current As at March 31, 2012 As at March 31, 2011 As at March 31, 2012 As at March 31, 2011 (a) Term loans Secured: (i) Rupee term loans from banks 16.41 29.08 19.04 26.08 (ii) Rupee term loans from financial institutions 52.08 62.50 13.13 10.42 (iii) Foreign currency term loans from banks 20.78 - 4.80 15.41 (iv) Foreign currency term loans from financial institutions 61.81 11.16 2.14 - Unsecured: (v) Rupee term loans from banks 0.09 - 0.02 - 151.17 102.74 39.13 51.91 (b) Deposits, unsecured: (i) Public deposits from related parties - 0.83 0.83 0.01 (ii) Public deposits from others - 6.79 6.66 3.67 - 7.62 7.49 3.68 Amount disclosed under the head ‘Other Current Liabilities’ (see Note 9) (46.62) (55.59) 151.17 110.36 - - ( ` cr) Notes to Consolidated financial statements