Atul Ltd 2011-12

97 Notes to financial statements ( ` cr) Particulars For the period August 18, 2011 to March 31, 2012 As at March 31, 2011 Expenses Cost of materials consumed 1.67 - Purchase of stock-in-trade - - Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in-progress and stock-in-trade 0.04 - Employee benefit expenses 0.17 - Finance costs 0.04 - Depreciation and amortisation expenses 0.09 - Other expenses 0.91 - 2.92 - Profit Before Tax (0.10) - Tax expense Current tax 0.02 Deferred tax 0.02 0.04 - Net loss for the period (0.14) - As per our attached report of even date For and on behalf of the Board of Directors For Dalal & Shah Firm Registration No. 102020W Sunil S Lalbhai Chartered Accountants Chairman & Managing Director G S Patel S S Baijal B S Mehta H S Shah S Venkatesh S M Datta Partner R A Shah Samveg A Lalbhai Membership No. F-037942 T R Gopi Kannan V S Rangan Managing Director Mumbai President, Finance & B N Mohanan Mumbai May 15, 2012 Company Secretary Directors May 15, 2012 NOTE 27.14 NON-CURRENT INVESTMENTS In the opinion of the Management, the diminution in the value of any of the investment as shown in Note 12, held by the Company is temporary in nature and accordingly, no provision is considered necessary by the Management. NOTE 27.15 REGROUPED | RECAST | RECLASSIFIED The financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2011 were prepared as per the applicable, pre-revised Schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956. Consequent to the notification of Revised Schedule VI under the Companies Act, 1956, the financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2012 are prepared as per Revised Schedule VI. Accordingly, previous year figures have also been restated to conform to classification as per current year. NOTE 27.16 ROUNDING OFF Figures less than ` 50,000 has been shown at actual in bracket.