Atul Ltd 2014-15

Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2014-15 ( ` cr) NOTE 3 RESERVES AND SURPLUS As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014 a) Capital reserve: Balance as at the beginning of the year 4.73 6.68 Less: Transferred to the General reserve * 0.21 1.95 Balance as at the end of the year 4.52 4.73 b) Securities premium account 34.66 34.66 c) Revaluation reserve: Balance as at the beginning of the year 102.40 104.46 Less: Transferred to the Statement of Profit and Loss – 2.06 Less: Reversed in current year {refer Note 12(b)} 102.40 – Balance as at the end of the year – 102.40 d) Hedging reserve {refer Note 28.9 (c)}: Balance as at the beginning of the year 1.54 0.74 Add: Transferred to the Statement of Profit and Loss (1.54) (0.74) Less: Effect of foreign exchange rate variation on hedging instruments outstanding at the end of the year (0.11) (1.54) Balance as at the end of the year 0.11 1.54 e) General reserve: Balance as at the beginning of the year 104.65 81.42 Less: Carrying amount of the assets (where the remaining useful life of assets is Nil) after retaining the residual value (net of deferred tax ` 4.80 cr) {refer Note 12(c)} 9.06 – Add: Transferred from Capital reserve * 0.21 1.95 Add: Transferred from the Statement of Profit and Loss – 21.28 Balance as at the end of the year 95.80 104.65 f) Surplus in the Statement of Profit and Loss: Balance as at the beginning of the year 663.93 498.45 Add: Profit for the year 217.42 212.79 Amount available for appropriation 881.35 711.24 Less: Appropriations General reserve – 21.28 Proposed dividend on Equity shares for the year {at ` 8.50 per share (March 31, 2014 ` 7.50 per share)} 25.21 22.25 Dividend distribution tax on proposed dividend 5.13 3.78 Balance as at the end of the year 851.01 663.93 986.10 911.91 * The fair value of the assets received free of cost in the past, was credited to ‘Capital reserve’; it represents amount equivalent to the depreciation of the respective assets charged to the Statement of Profit and Loss. Notes to the Financial Statements