Atul Ltd 2014-15

Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2014-15 ( ` cr) NOTE 20 OTHER CURRENT ASSETS As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014 a) Export incentive receivable 29.66 34.29 b) Mark-to-Market gains on derivatives 3.34 2.55 c) Sundry receivable Doubtful 0.19 0.19 Less: Provision for doubtful receivable 0.19 0.19 – – 33.00 36.84 ( ` cr) NOTE 21 REVENUE FROM OPERATIONS 2014-15 2013-14 Sale of products 2,673.34 2,457.12 Sale of services 0.90 0.89 Other operating revenue: Export incentives 34.38 47.62 Scrap sales 5.36 4.94 Processing charges 4.59 5.48 2,718.57 2,516.05 Less: Excise duty 162.92 150.60 2,555.65 2,365.45 ( ` cr) DETAILS OF REVENUE 2014-15 2013-14 Sale of products Life Science Chemicals 725.32 785.84 Performance and Other Chemicals 1,948.02 1,671.28 2,673.34 2,457.12 ( ` cr) NOTE 22 OTHER INCOME 2014-15 2013-14 Dividend on long-term investments * 1.96 23.41 Dividend on short-term investments 0.14 0.02 Interest from inter company deposits 0.34 0.38 Interest from others 0.72 1.91 Provisions no longer required 1.62 4.52 Provisions for doubtful debts written back 0.68 – Surplus on sale of fixed assets 1.39 0.39 Exchange rate difference gain (net) 1.84 3.77 Miscellaneous income 6.62 5.22 15.31 39.62 *  Previous year includes a one-time special dividend of ` 19.86 cr received from a company. Notes to the Financial Statements