Atul Ltd 2014-15

109 NOTE 23 DETAILS OF MATERIALS CONSUMED AND GOODS TRADED IN a) Cost of materials consumed: ( ` cr) Category 2014-15 2013-14 Organic chemicals 863.31 910.98 Inorganic chemicals and others 396.34 364.26 Packing materials 73.57 49.36 1,333.22 1,324.60 b) Imported and indigenous raw materials and packing materials consumption: ( ` cr) Category 2014-15 2013-14 ` cr % ` cr % Imported 369.73 28% 384.57 29% Indigenous 963.49 72% 940.03 71% 1,333.22 100% 1,324.60 100% c) Purchases of stock-in-trade: ( ` cr) Category 2014-15 2013-14 Organic chemicals 23.23 19.18 Inorganic chemicals and others 4.99 4.51 28.22 23.69 ( ` cr) NOTE 24  CHANGES IN INVENTORIES OF FINISHED GOODS, WORK-IN-PROGRESS AND STOCK-IN-TRADE 2014-15 2013-14 Stocks at close Finished goods 109.05 131.95 Work-in-progress 107.13 102.70 Stock-in-trade 4.38 3.01 220.56 237.66 Less: Stocks at commencement Finished goods 131.95 92.49 Work-in-progress 102.70 73.66 Stock-in-trade 3.01 2.75 237.66 168.90 17.10 (68.76) Excise duty variation on opening | closing stocks (0.98) 2.29 (Increase) | Decrease in inventories 16.12 (66.47) ( ` cr) NOTE 25 EMPLOYEE BENEFIT EXPENSES 2014-15 2013-14 Salaries, wages and bonus 137.66 125.19 Contribution to Provident and other funds 11.23 9.67 Staff welfare 4.96 4.93 153.85 139.79 Notes to the Financial Statements