Atul Ltd 2014-15

Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2014-15 Though our Company maintained the improvement trend in sales and profit during 2014-15, it was unable to reach the envisaged numbers. Difficult times will only bring out the best in us, and we will persevere to do better. Here, we share some of the Key Initiatives we accomplished during 2014-15: » » Commenced structured job rotations » » Improved goal setting and appraisal dialogue process » » Improved Reward and Recognition Scheme » » Introduced comprehensive induction module for Executive and Management Trainees » » Introduced Integrated Development Plan for managers People » » Automated payroll of 3 subsidiary companies » » Implemented ‘mobSales’ – open source integrated mobility solution for brand sales » » Implemented ‘netQ’ – open source vendor portal to ensure better connect with vendors » » Implemented online vendor bid » » Implemented ‘Saral’ – open source human resource self-service multi-lingual kiosk system Systems » » Completed consequences analysis for 22 hazardous chemicals » » Conducted 489 programs for enhancing safety awareness » » Conducted 54 safety audits » » Conducted 33 hazop studies and mitigated 31 risks for new projects » » Conducted 7 onsite mock drills Safety The measure of intelligence is the ability to change. ~ Albert Einstein Operational highlights