Atul Ltd 2014-15

Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2014-15 ( ` cr) NOTE 4 LONG-TERM BORROWINGS Non-current Current maturities As at As at As at As at March 31, 2015 March 31, 2014 March 31, 2015 March 31, 2014 Secured: i) Rupee term loans from banks 3.38 5.00 1.57 1.50 ii) Rupee term loans from a foreign financial institution 20.83 31.25 10.42 10.42 iii) Foreign currency term loans from banks 34.36 60.60 28.68 17.59 iv) Foreign currency term loans from a foreign financial institution – 22.54 23.47 25.04 Unsecured: v) Rupee term loans from bank – 0.10 0.14 0.16 58.57 119.49 64.28 54.71 Amount disclosed under the head ‘Other Current Liabilities’ (refer Note 10) (64.28) (54.71) 58.57 119.49 – – ( ` cr) NOTE 5 DEFERRED TAX LIABILITIES (NET) As at March 31, 2015 Charge | (Credit) during the year As at March 31, 2014 Statement of Profit and Loss General reserve* Total Deferred tax liabilities: on account of timing difference in depreciation 53.54 14.49 (4.80) 9.69 43.85 53.54 14.49 (4.80) 9.69 43.85 Deferred tax assets: on account of timing difference in a) Provision for leave encashment 7.40 0.18 – 0.18 7.22 b) Provision for doubtful debts 1.50 0.36 – 0.36 1.14 c) Provision for doubtful advances 0.07 0.01 – 0.01 0.06 d) Voluntary Retirement Scheme 0.16 0.12 – 0.12 0.04 9.13 0.67 – 0.67 8.46 Deferred tax liabilities | (assets) of subsidiary companies 1.68 (0.02) – (0.02) 1.70 Net deferred tax liabilities | (assets) 46.09 13.80 (4.80) 9.00 37.09 * See Note 12(c) ( ` cr) NOTE 6 OTHER LONG-TERM LIABILITIES As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014 Security deposits 18.73 17.80 Deferred liabilities-capital goods 0.70 1.00 19.43 18.80 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements