Atul Ltd 2014-15

Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2014-15 The dream of our Founder, Mr Kasturbhai Lalbhai, in establishing Atul Complex was to create wealth in rural India, generate employment on a large-scale and make India self-reliant. With the passage of time, though the cast has changed, the intent and play have remained the same – to nurture the tested belief that what comes from the society must go back to it many times over. Quintessentially we want our Company to be a story with a strong social purpose. I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy. ~ Rabindranath Tagore Serving the society Ever since its first plants were commissioned, Atul has been engaged in serving the society in the areas of Education, Empowerment, Health, Relief, Infrastructure and Conservation. The Company has started schools and vocational institutes, providedmedical and other support to those less fortunate, especially during earthquakes, famines and floods and has improved facilities and amenities in the villages particularly around its manufacturing locations. During 2014-15, the Company undertook 22 Key Initiatives to serve the society; some of them are highlighted below: » » Enhanced involvement of parents in the teaching and learning process for optimised school development » » Organised interaction of students, teachers and parents with distinguished Personalities » » Provided 8,700 units of writingmaterials to 2,500 students of 23 primary schools in 9 villages » » Sensitised students in understanding and appreciating physical and psychological safety in all contexts » » Started outreach initiative with students to sensitise the society about social evils (like dowry, etc) Education » » Achieved near completion of 75,000 square feet permanent infrastructure for Atul Institute of Vocational Excellence » » Conducted 8 classes in 12 villages training 153 students for operating Computers » » Conducted 6 classes in 4 villages training 102 women for making garments » » Conducted 3 classes in 3 villages training 56 women for making soft toys » » Organised 9 courses training 633 students in various vocations Empowerment