Atul Ltd 2014-15

35 Category code Category of the Shareholders Number of shares held at the beginning of the year (as at April 01, 2014) Number of shares held at the end of the year (as at March 31, 2015) % change during the year Physical Demat Total % of total shares Physical Demat Total % of total shares 2 Non-institutions a) Bodies corporate i) Indian 34,015 34,15,618 34,49,633 11.630 28,303 12,60,570 12,88,873 4.345 (62.637) ii) Overseas – – – – – 14,862 14,862 0.050 100.000 b) Individuals i) Shareholders holding nominal share capital up to ` 1 Lac 10,13,917 41,46,009 51,59,926 17.396 8,99,290 37,64,821 46,64,111 15.729 (9.609) ii) Shareholders holding nominal share capital in excess of ` 1 Lac 10,737 34,53,372 34,64,109 11.679 10,737 27,25,925 27,36,662 9.226 (21.000) c) Non–residents Indians (NRI) i) NRI repatriable 4,825 86,448 91,273 0.308 4,008 78,760 82,768 0.279 (9.318) ii) NRI non–repatriable – 57,947 57,947 0.195 – 46,550 46,550 0.157 (19.668) iii) Foreign bodies – – – – – – – – – iv) Foreign nationals – 100 100 – – – – – (100.000) v) Any other – 1,42,238 1,42,238 0.480 – 31,046 31,046 0.105 (28.308) Sub total (B)(2) 10,63,494 1,13,01,732 1,23,65,226 41.687 9,42,338 79,22,534 88,64,872 29.891 (28.308) Total public shareholding (B)=(B)(1)+(B)(2) 10,82,510 1,35,65,613 1,46,48,123 49.384 9,60,405 1,36,57,949 1,46,18,354 49.284 (0.203) Total (A)+(B) 10,82,510 2,85,79,223 2,96,61,733 100 9,60,405 2,87,01,328 2,96,61,733 100 – C. Shares held by custodians and against which depository receipts have been issued 1 Promoter and promoter group – – – – – – – – – 2 Public – – – – – – – – – Sub total (C) – – – – – – – – – Grand total (A)+(B)+(C) 10,82,510 2,85,79,223 2,96,61,733 100 9,60,405 2,87,01,328 2,96,61,733 100 –