Atul Ltd 2014-15

45 6. Statement of particulars under Sections 134 (3)(q) and 197 (12) of the Companies Act, 2013* Particulars Status i) R atio of the remuneration of each Director to the median remuneration of the employees of the Company for the financial year Number of times if total remuneration of the Director is considered if total remuneration of the Director excluding variable pay and commission is considered R A Shah 3.20 0.65 G S Patel * 3.45 0.44 S S Baijal 6.36 1.21 B S Mehta 4.69 1.05 H S Shah 3.80 0.69 S M Datta 3.23 0.40 V S Rangan 5.25 0.97 M M Chitale * 1.61 0.32 S A Panse * 0.12 0.08 S S Lalbhai 200.84 77.74 S A Lalbhai 70.10 30.15 B N Mohanan 34.70 30.81 S R Nammalvar * 19.18 17.82 T R Gopi Kannan * 19.07 13.67 * part of the year ii) P ercentage increase in remuneration of each of the Director, the Chief Financial Officer, the Chief Executive Officer, the Company Secretary or the Manager, if any, in the financial year Directors % R A Shah (29.45) G S Patel (39.30) S S Baijal (8.69) B S Mehta (24.19) H S Shah (1.05) S M Datta (28.83) V S Rangan 9.24 M M Chitale NA S A Panse NA Chairman and Managing Director S S Lalbhai 11.71 Managing Director S A Lalbhai 13.88 Whole-time Director B N Mohanan (8.11) S R Nammalvar 6.43 Whole-time Director and Chief Financial Officer T R Gopi Kannan 14.28 Company Secretary L P Patni 16.51 NA = Not Applicable iii) P ercentage increase in the median remuneration of employees in the financial year 9.32% iv) N umber of permanent employees on the rolls of Company 2,481 v) E xplanation on the relationship between average increase in remuneration and Company performance During 2014-15, sales increased by 9% from ` 2,307 cr to ` 2,510 cr, PBT increased from ` 297 cr to ` 312 cr. PBT from operations increased by 12.6% from ` 277 cr (excluding one-time dividend received of ` 20 cr) to ` 312 cr and PAT by 1.9% from ` 213 cr to ` 217 cr. Average increase in aggregate remuneration was 10%. Apart from the Company performance, other factors like inflation and market factors contributed to the increase in remuneration.