Atul Ltd 2015-16

9 companies based outside of India have 15 women of the total 34. As the people of Atul, we embrace such diversities and recognise that our success will largely depend upon our ability to work together and without any bias. Atul HR is enhancing processes of i) recruitment, ii) performance management and iii) development for building capability. My colleagues and I deeply value the involvement, critical analysis and encouragement of the distinguished Non-executive Directors – I am privileged to have them on the Board of our Company. I appreciate the efforts of every member of Atul family – we may be growing in numbers, but our Purpose is common and shared. I am grateful to our customers for giving us an opportunity to serve and helping us evolve our vision and articulate growth related strategies. I recognise the positive approach of the communities which surround our production sites in India and the UK. I thank you for your faith; it brings out the best in us. We, the people of Atul, will make our Company a learning organisation as we ‘turn yet another page’ of our lives. We will learn from an example of a leaf – we will work efficiently, collectively and silently and with the realisation that Interdependence is a higher order than Independence. On behalf of the team Atul, I will like to assure you that we will work together, summon what is best in us, with our feet planted firmly in today, but our eyes cast towards tomorrow. In this journey into the future, may God give us the courage, strength and wisdom so that we may go as far as our dreams and toil will take us. Sincerely, (Sunil Siddharth Lalbhai) Chairman and Managing Director Our ‘visible’ performance will ultimately be in proportion to the ‘invisible’ in us – the ‘soft’ or ‘subtle’ in us will decide the ’hard’ or ‘gross’ we deliver. Our endeavour is therefore to create an environment wherein we all reveal depth in our thinking, synergy in our working and quality in whatever we undertake. The key need and mandate is to identify and develop professionally competent and personally humble people committed to eternal Values so that they can provide exemplary leadership at all levels. We are convinced that without leadership nothing is possible and with it, nothing is impossible.