Atul Ltd 2015-16

25 Index No. Subject title Page 1. Conservation of energy, technology absorption and foreign exchange earnings and outgo 26 1.1 Conservation of energy 26 1.2 Technology absorption 26 1.3 Foreign exchange earnings and outgo 27 2. Subsidiary, associate and joint venture companies 28 2.1 Operational companies 28 2.2 Non-operational companies 29 3. Corporate Social Responsibility 30 3.1 Policy, programs and scope 30 3.2 Committee 30 3.3 Expenditure: determination and actual spent 30 3.4 Manner in which spent 31 3.5 Implementing agencies 32 3.6 Confirmation of compliance 32 4. Extract of the Annual Return 33 4.1 Registration and other details 33 4.2 Principal business activities of the Company 33 4.3 Particulars of the holding, the subsidiary and the associate companies 33 4.4 Shareholding pattern (Equity share capital breakup as percentage of total Equity) 35 4.5 Indebtedness 42 4.6 Remuneration of the Directors and the Key Managerial Personnel 43 4.7 Penalties | Punishment | Compounding of offences 44 5. Secretarial Audit Report 44 6. Statement of particulars under Section 134 (3)(q) and 197 (12) of the Companies Act, 2013 47 Annexure to the Directors’ Report