Atul Ltd 2015-16

Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2015-16 Particulars Status vi) Comparison of the remuneration of the Key Managerial Personnel against the performance of the Company ( ` cr) 2014-15 2015-16 % increase | decrease Sales 2,510.00 2,407.00 (4.10) PBT 312.00 393.00 25.96 Remuneration 9.57 11.57 10.57 vii) Variations in the market capitalisation of the Company, price earnings ratio as at the closing date of the current financial year and previous financial year and percentage increase or decrease in the market quotations of the shares of the Company in comparison to the rate at which the Company came out with the last public offer in case of listed companies and in case of unlisted companies, the variations in the net worth of the Company as at the close of the current financial year and previous financial year During 2015-16, market capitalisation increased from ` 3,321 cr to ` 4,570 cr. Price earnings ratio increased from 15.38 to 17.05. As compared to last public offer price of ` 45 in 1994, the market price was ` 1,541 as on March 31, 2016. viii) Average percentile increase already made in the salaries of employees other than the managerial personnel in the last financial year and its comparison with the percentile increase in the managerial remuneration and justification thereof and point out if there are any exceptional circumstances for increase in the managerial remuneration Average increase for Key Managerial Personnel and for other employees was about 10%. There is no exceptional increase in remuneration of Key Managerial Personnel. ix) Comparison of the remuneration of each Key Managerial Personnel against the performance of the Company During 2015-16, sales lower by 4%, PBT grew by 26% and the remuneration of KMPs increased by 24%. ( ` cr) Remuneration 2014-15 2015-16 % increase | decrease Chairman and Managing Director S S Lalbhai 4.98 6.56 31.81 Managing Director S A Lalbhai 1.74 2.06 18.50 Whole-time Director B N Mohanan 0.86 1.05 21.81 Whole-time Director and Chief Financial Officer T R Gopi Kannan 1.33 1.41 6.28 Company Secretary L P Patni 0.43 0.49 13.70 x) Key parameters for any variable component of remuneration availed by the Directors Linked with the Company performance. Mainly, profit growth xi) Ratio of the remuneration of the highest paid Director to that of the employees who are not Directors but receive remuneration in excess of the highest paid Director during the year There are no such employees xii) Affirmation that the remuneration is as per the Remuneration Policy of the Company It is affirmed that the remuneration is as per the Remuneration Policy of the Company *Read with the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014 and forming part of the Directors’ Report for the year ended March 31, 2016.