Atul Ltd 2016-17

Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2016-17 ( ` cr) Particulars Book value as at Market value as at March 31, 2017 March 31, 2016 April 01, 2015 March 31, 2017 March 31, 2016 April 01, 2015 Quoted – – – – 7.56 6.05 Unquoted 10.00 32.43 28.67 – – – 10.00 32.43 28.67 – 7.56 6.05 ¹ Associate company up to November 30, 2016 (refer Note 29.17) ( ` cr) Note 6 Non-current investments Face Value As at March 31, 2017 As at March 31, 2016 As at April 01, 2015 Number of shares Amount Number of shares Amount Number of shares Amount a) Investment in equity instruments (fully paid up) Equity instruments measured at FVOCI Quoted Arvind Smartspaces Ltd 10 412,747 3.58 412,747 3.43 – – Arvind Ltd 10 4,127,471 163.01 4,127,471 112.72 4,127,471 108.14 BASF India Ltd 10 261,396 35.83 261,396 22.81 261,396 29.17 DCM Shriram Ltd 2 250 0.01 500 0.01 – – Deewan Housing Finance Ltd 10 – – 500 0.01 – – DIC India Ltd 10 250 0.01 – – – – Edelweiss Broking Ltd 10 1,000 0.02 – – – – Gujarat State Fertiliser Corporation Ltd 2 – – 1,000 0.01 – – ICICI Bank Ltd 2 99,115 2.74 99,115 2.34 99,115 3.13 Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd 2 4,000 0.04 4,000 0.02 4,000 0.03 Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd - DVR 1 2 200 200 200 Nagarjuna Fertilizers and Chemicals Ltd 1 34,650 0.07 34,650 0.10 34,650 0.10 Nagarjuna Oil Refinery Ltd 1 31,500 0.01 31,500 0.01 31,500 0.01 NOCIL Ltd 10 2,001 0.02 2,001 0.01 – – Novartis India Ltd 2 5 384,660 26.02 384,660 24.95 384,660 21.64 Pfizer Ltd 10 958,927 183.65 958,927 171.32 958,927 213.87 Power Mech 10 200 0.01 – – – – Prabhat Dairy 10 1,500 0.02 – – – – Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd 10 1,000 0.02 1,000 0.02 – – Sanghavi Movers 2 500 0.01 – – – – Texmaco Infrastructure & Holdings Ltd 1 1,650 0.01 1,500 0.01 – – Tourism Finance Corporation India Ltd 10 3,000 0.02 – – – – Unquoted AtRo Ltd 3 10 – – 500,000 0.01 500,000 0.31 Gujarat Synthwood Ltd 3 10 700,800 – 700,800 – 700,800 – b) Investment in Preference shares (fully paid-up) Associate company measured at amortised cost 4, 5 Unquoted Amal Ltd (0% Redeemable Preference shares) – 6.43 5.81 c) Investment in Government securities measured at amortised cost Quoted 6 Years National Savings Certificates 0.11 0.01 0.01 d) Share application money – – 0.51 415.21 344.22 382.73 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements