Atul Ltd 2016-17

25 1.3 Foreign exchange earnings and outgo 1.3.1 Export sales: activities, development initiatives and future plan The Company sold its products in 68 countries, directly and through its subsidiary companies in the USA, the UK, the UAE, China and Brazil. Sales outside India* increased by 16% from ` 1,148 cr to ` 1,332 cr mainly due to higher volumes as compared to the previous year. The Company is taking further steps to strengthen its international marketing network. * Free On Board (FOB) value 1.3.2 Total foreign exchange earnings and outgo ( ` cr) Particulars 2016-17 2015-16 Earnings Exports – FOB value 1,332.49 1,148.03 Dividend, etc 5.27 24.48 Outgo Loan repayment 218.08 132.58 Payment for raw materials, books and periodicals, dividend, etc 411.07 392.69