Atul Ltd 2016-17

39 4.4.5 Shareholding of the Directors and the Key Managerial Personnel No. Particulars Reason for change Shareholding as at April 01, 2016 Cumulative shareholding during 2016-17 Number of shares % of total shares of the Company Number of shares % of total shares of the Company 01. R A Shah At the beginning of the year 14,960 0.050 14,960 0.050 Increase | Decrease during the year At the end of the year 14,960 0.050 14,960 0.050 02. S S Baijal At the beginning of the year 6,000 0.020 6,000 0.020 Increase | Decrease during the year At the end of the year 6,000 0.020 6,000 0.020 03. S S Lalbhai At the beginning of the year 43,193 0.146 43,193 0.146 Increase | Decrease during the year 01. August 2016 Purchase 46,500 0.157 89,693 0.302 02. October 2016 Purchase 1,000 0.003 90,693 0.306 03. November 2016 Purchase 1,079 0.003 91,772 0.309 At the end of the year 91,772 0.309 91,772 0.309 04. B S Mehta At the beginning of the year 162 0.001 162 0.001 Increase | Decrease during the year At the end of the year 162 0.001 162 0.001 05. H S Shah At the beginning of the year 1,290 0.004 1,290 0.004 Increase | Decrease during the year At the end of the year 1,290 0.004 1,290 0.004 06. S A Lalbhai At the beginning of the year 2,02,377 0.682 2,02,377 0.682 Increase | Decrease during the year At the end of the year 2,02,377 0.682 2,02,377 0.682 07. S M Datta At the beginning of the year 10,000 0.034 10,000 0.034 Increase | Decrease during the year At the end of the year 10,000 0.034 10,000 0.034 08. B N Mohanan At the beginning of the year 5,800 0.020 5,800 0.020 Increase | Decrease during the year At the end of the year 5,800 0.020 5,800 0.020 09. V S Rangan At the beginning of the year 2,000 0.007 2,000 0.007 Increase | Decrease during the year 01. March 2017 Purchase 1,000 0.003 3,000 0.010 At the end of the year 3,000 0.010 3,000 0.010 10. M M Chitale At the beginning of the year 50 – 50 – Increase | Decrease during the year At the end of the year 50 – 50 – 11. T R Gopi Kannan At the beginning of the year 50 – 50 – Increase | Decrease during the year At the end of the year 50 – 50 –