Atul Ltd 2016-17

Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2016-17 Human Resources The Company continued with its drive to institutionalise and upgrade its HR processes, to help build a more robust workforce capable of managing dynamic and growing business needs. In particular, it focused on improving its processes related to Integrated Development, Performance Management and Succession Planning. The process of identification and review of Key Initiatives is becoming more robust and is continuously upgraded. During 2016-17, on an average, 5.1 man days of training was imparted. The training needs are identified based on self- assessment, L+1 assessment; 360 degree feedback and Individual Development Plan; in addition, there are certain standard in-house and external Management Development Programs (to enhance functional and behavioural competencies) which an employee is expected to go through, depending upon his (her) grade and potential. The number of employees (as on March 31, 2017) decreased by 31 from 2,465 to 2,434. The Marketing and Research and Development functions have been further strengthened (24% of new hires belong to these functions). The increase in numbers in Marketing and Research and Development has been more than offset by the reduction in numbers in Manufacturing. Long-term settlement with the Union at Ankleshwar site is expiring in 2017-18, and discussions are underway to arrive at an amicable settlement. Employee Relations at all locations remained cordial and progressive, and the endeavour is to completely eliminate the divide that sometimes separates managers and workmen and use the strengths of everyone to enhance the performance of the Company.