Atul Ltd 2017-18

Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2017-18 Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended March 31, 2018 (continued) ( ` cr) Particulars Note 2017-18 2016-17 B Cash flow from investing activities Payments towards property, plant and equipment (including capital advance) (114.04) (175.65) Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment – 4.68 Proceeds from disposal of equity instruments measured at FVOCI 0.06 0.76 Repayments | (Disbursements) of loans given (net) 5.31 1.48 Proceeds | (Payments) from fixed deposits (net) (0.01) (0.17) Interest received on financial assets measured at amortised cost 2.20 2.91 Dividends received 19.72 6.43 Net cash used in investing activities B (86.76) (159.56) C Cash flow from financing activities Repayments of term loans (21.23) (29.63) Disbursements | (Repayments) of working capital loans (net) (133.99) (111.60) Payments of unclaimed dividend (0.23) (0.27) Interest paid (9.07) (23.12) Dividend on equity shares (including dividend distribution tax) (33.07) (35.43) Purchase of equity instruments measured at cost (25.98) (8.38) Net cash used in financing activities C (223.57) (208.43) Net increase | (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents A+B+C 14.81 1.98 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 5.38 3.40 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 20.19 5.38 i) The above Statement of Cash Flows has been prepared under the ‘Indirect Method’ as set out in the Ind AS 7 on the Statement of Cash Flows as notified under Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015. ii) Cash flows from operating activities include ` 7.39 cr (March 31, 2017: ` 6.60 cr) being expenses towards Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives. iii) Refer Note 15 (f) for a reconciliation of changes in liabilities arising from financing activities. The accompanying Notes 1-27 form an integral part of the Financial Statements In terms of our report attached For Deloitte Haskins & Sells LLP Chartered Accountants R A Shah S S Baijal B S Mehta H S Shah S M Datta V S Rangan M M Chitale S A Panse B R Arora Directors For and on behalf of the Board of Directors S S Lalbhai Chairman and Managing Director S A Lalbhai Managing Director Mumbai April 27, 2018 Samir R. Shah Partner Mumbai April 27, 2018 T R Gopi Kannan Whole-time Director and CFO L P Patni Company Secretary B N Mohanan Whole-time Director and President - U&S