Atul Ltd 2017-18

Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2017-18 ( ` cr) Note 3 Investment properties As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017 Land – freehold Gross carrying amount 3.22 3.22 Net carrying amount 3.22 3.22 a) Amount recognised in the Statement of Profit and Loss for investment properties: The Company has classified parcels of freehold land held for a currently undeterminable future use as investment properties. There are no amounts pertaining to these investment properties recognised in the Statement of Profit and Loss, since the Company does not receive any rental income, incur any depreciation or other operating expenses. b) The Company does not have any contractual obligations to purchase, construct or develop, for maintenance or enhancements of investment property. c) Fair value: ( ` cr) Particulars As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017 Investment properties 141.00 134.00 141.00 134.00 Estimation of fair value The Company obtains valuations from independent valuer for its investment properties at least annually. The best evidence of fair value is current prices in an active market for similar properties. Where such information is not available, the valuer considers information from a variety of sources including current prices in an active market for investment properties of different nature or recent prices of similar investment properties in less active markets, adjusted to reflect those differences. All resulting fair value estimates for investment properties are included in level 3. ( ` cr) Note 4 Intangible assets Computer software Gross carrying amount As at March 31, 2016 0.21 As at March 31, 2017 0.21 As at March 31, 2018 0.21 Amortisation Up to March 31, 2016 0.09 Amortisation charged for the year 0.10 Up to March 31, 2017 0.19 Amortisation charged for the year 0.01 Up to March 31, 2018 0.20 Net carrying amount As at March 31, 2017 0.02 As at March 31, 2018 0.01 ( ` cr) Note 5 Non-current investments As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017 a) Investment in equity instruments of subsidiary companies measured at cost 1 130.63 103.27 b) Investment in equity instruments of joint venture company measured at cost 6.13 6.13 c) Investment in equity instruments of other companies measured at FVOCI 452.32 415.06 d) Investment in preference shares of subsidiary companies at amortised cost 5.72 7.10 e) Investments in Government or Trust securities measured at amortised cost 0.01 0.01 594.81 531.57 ¹ Includes share application money Notes to the Financial Statements