Atul Ltd 2017-18

117 ( ` cr) Note 7 Other financial assets As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017 Current Non- current Current Non- current a) Security deposits for utilities and premises 0.37 0.73 0.41 2.86 b) Derivative financial assets – foreign exchange forward contracts 0.05 – 1.31 – c) Finance lease receivable – 1.25 – 1.38 d) Balance with banks in fixed deposits, with maturity beyond 12 months – 0.50 – 0.41 e) Dividends receivable 17.38 – 15.93 – f) Other receivables (including discount receivable, insurance receivable, etc) 14.14 – 7.47 – 31.94 2.48 25.12 4.65 ( ` cr) Note 8 Other assets As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017 Current Non- current Current Non- current a) Balances with the Government authorities i) Taxes paid under protest – 18.82 – 16.46 ii) VAT receivable – 19.07 6.33 34.99 iii) GST receivable 76.89 – – – iv) Balances with the statutory authorities 0.14 – 59.00 – v) Deposit paid under protest – 0.24 – 3.41 vi) Security deposit – 2.00 – 2.00 b) Export incentive receivable 24.09 – 30.37 – c) Capital advances – 3.91 – 17.77 d) Advances i) Related Parties (refer Note 27.4) 0.55 – – – ii) Others 25.03 – 25.02 – e) Other receivables 0.98 – 0.78 – 127.68 44.04 121.50 74.63 ( ` cr) Note 9 Inventories* As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017 a) Raw materials and packing materials 107.27 82.22 Add: Goods-in-transit 31.58 18.01 138.85 100.23 b) Work-in-progress 99.11 112.76 c) Finished goods 97.54 112.03 d) Stock-in-trade 1.93 5.55 e) Stores, spares and fuel 31.69 30.27 Add: Goods-in-transit 9.83 7.05 41.52 37.32 378.95 367.89 * Valued at cost or net realisable value, whichever is lower. Amounts recognised in the Statement of Profit and Loss: Written-down value of inventories to net realisable value amounted to ` 6.85 cr (March 31, 2017: ` 6.21 cr). These were recognised as an expense during the year and included in cost of materials consumed, and changes in value of inventories of work-in-progress, stock-in-trade and finished goods in the Statement of Profit and Loss. Notes to the Financial Statements