Atul Ltd 2017-18

Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2017-18 ( ` cr) Note 20 Revenue from operations 2017-18 2016-17 Sale of products 1 3,090.41 2,792.60 Sale of services 2.08 0.08 Other operating revenue: Export incentives 43.03 44.74 Scrap sales 6.21 7.63 Processing charges 5.83 3.22 3,147.56 2,848.27 1 Revenue from operations up to June 30, 2017 includes excise duty of ` 40.07 cr and ` 154.86 cr for the year 2016-17, which is discontinued effective July 01, 2017 upon implementation of Goods and Services Tax (GST) in India. In accordance with Ind AS 18, ‘Revenue’, GST is not included in revenue from operations. In view of the aforesaid restructuring of indirect taxes, revenue from operations for the year ended on March 31, 2018 are not comparable with the previous year. ( ` cr) Note 21 Other income 2017-18 2016-17 Dividends from equity investment measured at FVOCI 3.33 2.89 Dividends from equity investment measured at cost 17.38 19.21 Dividends from investments measured at FVPL 0.45 0.17 Interest income from financial assets measured at amortised cost 2.76 3.22 Interest from others 3.51 1.84 Lease income 0.34 0.03 Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment 0.30 3.71 Exchange rate difference – gain 2.88 – Miscellaneous income 7.51 11.39 38.46 42.46 ( ` cr) Note 22 Cost of materials consumed 2017-18 2016-17 Raw materials and packing materials consumed Stocks at commencement 82.22 68.01 Add: Purchase 1,678.38 1,338.72 1,760.60 1,406.73 Less: Stocks at close 107.27 82.22 1,653.33 1,324.51 ( ` cr) Note 23 Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in-progress and stock-in-trade 2017-18 2016-17 Stocks at close Finished goods 97.54 112.03 Work-in-progress 99.11 112.76 Stock-in-trade 1.93 5.55 198.58 230.34 Less: Stocks at commencement Finished goods 112.03 127.48 Work-in-progress 112.76 113.64 Stock-in-trade 5.55 7.10 230.34 248.22 (Increase) | Decrease in stocks 31.76 17.88 Notes to the Financial Statements