Atul Ltd 2017-18

Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2017-18 ( ` cr) Note 27.4 (B) Transactions with subsidiary companies (continued) 2017-18 2016-17 c) Other transactions 01 Repayments of loan given 6.30 3.25 Amal Ltd 2.00 3.25 Atul Bioscience Ltd 4.30 – 02 Direct investments made in equity shares 27.35 9.67 Atul Biospace Ltd 2.80 4.91 Atul Finserv Ltd 24.55 4.76 03 Repayments of deposit given 2.14 – Atul Infotech Pvt Ltd 2.14 – 04 Reimbursements received 0.01 Amal Ltd (Previous year: ` 9,845) – Atul Bioscience Ltd (Current year: ` 37,802) – Atul Infotech Pvt Ltd (Previous year: ` 26,438) 0.01 05 Redemption of preference shares 2.00 – Amal Ltd 2.00 – 06 Dividends received 14.46 11.77 Atul Bioscience Ltd 7.05 6.50 Atul Biospace Ltd 1.16 – Atul Europe Ltd 5.21 5.27 Atul USA Inc 1.04 – ( ` cr) Note 27.4 (C) Transactions with joint venture company 2017-18 2016-17 a) Sales and income 01 Sale of goods 2.75 3.38 02 Service charges received 2.90 2.68 03 Lease rent received 0.54 0.25 b) Purchases and expenses 01 Purchase of goods 0.30 0.03 c) Other transactions 01 Dividends received from equity investment measured at cost 2.92 3.72 02 Interest paid of loan – 0.41 03 Repayments of Inter Corporate Deposits taken – 10.50 04 Reimbursements received 0.56 0.74 05 Repayments of security deposit – 0.20 All above transactions are with Rudolf Atul Chemicals Ltd. ( ` cr) Note 27.4 (D) Transactions with joint operation 2017-18 2016-17 a) Sales and income 01 Sale of capital work-in-progress 10.13 – 02 Service charges received 1.75 – 03 Lease rent received 0.01 – b) Other transactions 01 Reimbursements received 1.18 – All above transactions are with Anaven LLP. Notes to the Financial Statements