Atul Ltd 2017-18

Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2017-18 Serving the society Mr Kasturbhai Lalbhai, the Founder of our Company, was a visionary par excellence. He yearned for economic independence to fulfill the dreams of an independent India and built institutions of scale and repute that a young country required to stand strong and resilient. We are committed to carrying forward the legacy and ideals he left behind to create a meaningful future. Some of the initiatives undertaken by Atul Foundation Trust (AFT) in 2017-18 are outlined below. We rise by lifting others. ~ Robert Ingersoll Empowerment  Trained 18 women with 10+2 qualification to become skilled elementary school teachers ( adhyapika course)  Trained 208 students in computer literacy and 89 students in English proficiency  Trained 379 students in 8 vocations in Industrial Training Institutes managed by AFT  Trained 1,507 tribal students in 13 vocational courses in Atul Institute of Vocational Excellence, with 61% placement  Trained 209 women in garment, soft toy making and beauty and styling in 5 villages Education  Awarded scholarships to 7 students from poor families  Conducted life skill workshops for 60 children in a school  Distributed writing material to 2,960 students of 27 primary schools in 15 villages  Extended financial assistance for establishment of science laboratory building in a tribal school  Extended financial assistance to an ashramshala for holistic development of 85 children