Atul Ltd 2017-18

41 4.6.2 Remuneration to the other Directors ( ` ) No. Particulars R A Shah S S Baijal B S Mehta H S Shah S M Datta V S Rangan M M Chitale S A Panse B R Arora Total amount 01. Non-executive Independent Directors a) Fee for attending the Board, Committee and other meetings – 4,20,000 – 1,50,000 3,15,000 2,80,000 1,40,000 2,10,000 2,10,000 17,25,000 b) Commission – 13,60,000 – 4,80,000 9,60,000 8,71,000 8,00,000 8,00,000 8,00,000 60,71,000 Total 1 – 17,80,000 – 6,30,000 12,75,000 11,51,000 9,40,000 10,10,000 10,10,000 77,96,000 02. Non-executive Non-independent Directors a) Fee for attending the Board, Committee and other meetings 2,80,000 – 4,20,000 – – – – – – 7,00,000 b) Commission 7,80,000 – 9,60,000 – – – – – – 17,40,000 Total 2 10,60,000 – 13,80,000 – – – – – – 24,40,000 Total (B) = (1+2) 10,60,000 17,80,000 13,80,000 6,30,000 12,75,000 11,51,000 9,40,000 10,10,000 10,10,000 1,02,36,000 Total managerial remuneration (A+B) 12,83,03,118 Overall ceiling as per the Act 45,88,10,000 4.6.3 Remuneration to the Key Managerial Personnel other than the Managing Director | the Manager | the Whole-time Director ( ` ) No. Particulars Key Managerial Personnel CS L P Patni 01. Gross salary Salary as per provisions contained under Section 17(1) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 49,37,226 Value of perquisites under Section 17(2) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 7,33,563 Profits in lieu of salary under Section 17(3) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 – 02. Stock option – 03. Sweat Equity – 04. Commission – 05. Others – Total 56,70,789 4.7 Penalties | Punishment | Compounding of offences There were no penalties | punishment | compounding of offences for the year ending March 31, 2018.