Atul Ltd 2017-18

61 3.4.2 Composition The Committee comprises following Members: No. Name Designation 01. H S Shah Chairman 02. S S Lalbhai Member 03. B N Mohanan Member 04. S A Panse 1 Member 1 Effective January 19, 2018 3.4.3 Meetings and attendance During 2017-18, 1 meeting was held. No. Name Total Attended 01. H S Shah 1 – 02. S S Lalbhai 1 1 03. B N Mohanan 1 1 04. S A Panse 1 – – 1 Effective January 19, 2018 The Board notes the Minutes of the CSR Committee meetings. 3.5 Investment Committee 3.5.1 Role i) Approving capital expenditure proposals exceeding ` 5 cr, but not exceeding ` 25 cr each ii) Recommending to the Board for approval of capital expenditure proposals exceeding ` 25 cr each iii) Recommending to the Board acquisition, disinvestment and divestment proposals iv) Reviewing business strategies v) Reviewing progress of the approved projects 3.5.2 Composition The Committee comprises following Members: No. Name Designation 01. R A Shah Chairman 02. S S Baijal Member 03. B S Mehta Member 04. S M Datta Member 05. S S Lalbhai Member 3.5.3 Meetings and attendance During 2017-18, 3 meetings were held. No. Name Total Attended 01. R A Shah 3 3 02. S S Baijal 3 3 03. B S Mehta 3 3 04. S M Datta 3 3 05. S S Lalbhai 3 3 The Board notes the Minutes of the Investment Committee meetings.