Atul Ltd 2017-18

71 08. Percentage of employees given safety and skill up-gradation training in 2017-18: Employee category Employees imparted safety training Employees imparted skill up-gradation training Permanent employees 38% 76% Temporary | contractual | casual employees 79% 79% Permanent women employees 34% 86% Permanent employees with disabilities 67% 67% Principle 4: Engagement with the Stakeholders Businesses will respect the interests of and be responsive towards all Stakeholders, especially those who are disadvantaged, marginalised and vulnerable. 01. Has the Company mapped its internal and external Stakeholders? The Company has mapped its internal and external Stakeholders; they are community, consumers, customers, employees, Government, lenders, NGOs and the Shareholders. 02. Out of the above, has the Company identified the disadvantaged, marginalised and vulnerable Stakeholders? The Company has identified the poor, tribals, women and children as the disadvantaged, marginalised and vulnerable Stakeholders. 03. Are there any special initiatives taken by the Company to engage with the disadvantaged, marginalised and vulnerable Stakeholders? Stakeholder groups Program Initiatives (not exhaustive)* Poor • Empowerment • Health • Infrastructure • Relief • Generated employment by hiring apprentices • Constructed individual household toilets • Repaired community sheds and roads in villages • Provided financial assistance to cancer patients Tribals • Education • Empowerment • Provided school education • Imparted vocational skills Women • Empowerment • Relief • Trained women to become skilled elementary school teachers • Supported prevention of exploitation of women Children • Education • Infrastructure • Distributed books to children in village schools • Repaired school buildings * Details of various initiatives undertaken by the Company are given at page numbers 28 and 29. Principle 5: Human rights Businesses will respect and promote human rights. 01. Does the Policy of the Company on human rights cover only the Company or extend to the Group | joint ventures | suppliers | contractors | NGOs | others? The Policy extends to the Group | joint ventures | suppliers | contractors | NGOs | others. 02. How many Stakeholder complaints have been received in 2017-18 and what percent was satisfactorily resolved by the Management? During 2017-18, no complaints were received. Principle 6: Environment Businesses will respect, protect and make efforts to restore the environment. 01. Does the Policy related to environment cover only the Company or extend to the Group | joint ventures | suppliers | contractors | NGOs | others? The Policy extends to the Group | joint ventures | suppliers | contractors | NGOs | others. 02. Does the Company have strategies | initiatives to address global environmental issues such as climate change, global warming, etc? If so, what is the URL? The Company has strategies I initiatives for enhancing its own performance (over which it is able to exercise control) related to issues concerning the environment. There is no URL at present.