Atul Ltd 2019-20

167 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended March 31, 2020 ( ` cr ) Particulars Note 2019-20 2018-19 A CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Profit before tax 845.42 680.34 Adjustments for: Depreciation and amortisation expense 2, 4 130.21 118.91 Finance costs 26 9.40 7.41 Loss on assets sold or discarded 27 0.41 1.39 Unrealised exchange rate difference (net ) (21.11) 8.32 Effect of exchange rates on translation of operating cash-flows 4.12 (2.98) Bad debts and irrecoverable balances written off 4.66 - Allowance for doubtful debts 28 5.17 5.01 Dividend income 22 (19.10) (6.03) Interest income from financial assets measured at amortised cost (3.02) (0.38) Changes in fair value of biological assets 22 (1.93) (2.50) Advances recovered written off earlier (1.81) - Liability no longer required written back (2.59) - Gain on disposal of current investments measured at FVPL (net ) 23 (11.68) (3.96) Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment 22 (0.69) (0.09) Income on account of government grants (1.07) - Share of profit on joint venture company (4.98) (5.02) Operating profit before change in operating assets and liabilities 931.41 800.42 Adjustments for: (Increase) | Decrease in inventories | biological assets 10 4.65 (100.40) (Increase) | Decrease in trade receivables (3.64) 11.59 (Increase) | Decrease in other financial assets 2.58 (3.44) (Increase) | Decrease in other assets 21.79 (13.12) Increase | (Decrease) in trade payables 94.27 (79.37) Increase | (Decrease) in other financial liabilities 20.38 19.14 Increase | (Decrease) in contract liabilities 17.03 8.46 Increase | (Decrease) in other current liabilities 0.93 (7.50) Increase | (Decrease) in provisions 8.75 21.94 Cash generated from operations 1,098.15 657.72 Income tax paid (net of refund) (216.77) (254.14) Net cash flow from operating activities A 881.38 403.58 B CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Payments towards property, plant and equipment (including capital advance) (373.99) (208.35) Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment 0.57 - Proceeds from sale of equity investment measured at FVOCI 0.12 3.77 Repayments of loans 0.74 - Disbursements of loans - (0.17) Redemption of | (Investment in) bank deposits (net ) 8.85 (9.50) Purchase of current investments measured at FVPL (net ) (446.20) (203.12) Interest received on financial assets measured at amortised cost 2.95 0.38 Dividend received 21.30 9.53 Net cash used in investing activities B (785.66) (407.46) Consolidated | Statement of changes in equity | Statement of Cash Flows