Atul Ltd 2019-20

Corporate Overview Statutory Reports Financial Statements 188 Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2019-20 01-21 22-91 92-228 ( ` cr) Note 8 Other financial assets As at March 31, 2020 As at March 31, 2019 Current Non-current Current Non-current a) Security deposits for utilities and premises 0.90 2.10 0.94 1.53 b) Derivative financial assets designated as hedges (net ) - - 1.22 - c) Finance lease receivables - 1.20 - d) Balance with banks in fixed deposits, with maturity beyond 12 months - 0.01 - - e) Dividend receivable - - 0.01 - f) Other receivables (including discount receivable, insurance receivable, etc) 32.05 - 18.92 - 32.95 3.31 21.09 1.53 ( ` cr) Note 9 Other assets As at March 31, 2020 As at March 31, 2019 Current Non-current Current Non-current a) Balances with government authorities i) Taxes paid under protest - 19.19 - 19.64 ii) GST | VAT receivable 53.20 17.61 92.83 6.50 iii) Balances with statutory authorities 0.34 - 0.57 - iv) Deposit paid under protest - 0.17 - 0.17 v) Security deposit - 2.08 - 2.05 b) Export incentive receivables 27.01 - 35.38 - c) Capital advances - 27.20 - 9.74 d) Prepayment Others 43.83 - 26.61 - e) Other receivables 1.02 0.52 3.01 - 125.40 66.77 158.40 38.10 ( ` cr) Note 10 Inventories* As at March 31, 2020 As at March 31, 2019 a) Raw materials and packing materials 112.12 112.06 Add: Goods-in-transit 28.76 20.72 140.88 132.78 b) Work-in-progress 130.65 110.78 c) Finished goods 196.27 220.35 d) Stock-in-trade 0.65 1.73 e) Stores, spares and fuel 30.85 41.79 Add: Goods-in-transit 4.07 4.39 34.92 46.18 503.37 511.82 *Valued at cost or net realisable value whichever is lower. Inventories are valued considering provision for allowance for obsolescence, inventory carrying risk and delay in usage caused by the slow production pace due to lower off-take in present situation. In addition to the historical pattern of inventory provision, the Group has considered the likelihood of reduction in sales price, customer orders on hand and margins, including subsequent cancellations, if any, nature and aging of inventories to reflect current and estimated future economic conditions also taking into account the possible effects due to COVID-19. This assessment is also considering the product demand, expected price trend and sales plan in respective industries. Amounts recognised in the Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss of ` 13.79 cr (March 31, 2019: ` 12.35 cr).