Atul Ltd 2019-20

Corporate Overview Statutory Reports Financial Statements 200 Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2019-20 01-21 22-91 92-228 Note 29.4 Related party disclosures (continued) ( ` cr) Note 29.4 (C) Transactions with joint venture company 2019-20 2018-19 a) Sales and income 1 Sale of goods 3.01 3.85 2 Service charges received 3.83 3.29 3 Lease rent received 0.66 0.54 4 Interest received 0.52 0.09 5 Brand usage charges 0.03 - b) Purchase and expenses 1 Purchase of goods 0.19 0.24 2 Reimbursement of expenses (Current year: ` 19,738 and Previous year: ` 9,979) c) Other transactions 1 Dividends received from equity investment measured at cost 2.19 - 2 Reimbursement received 0.61 0.66 3 Inter corporate deposit given 2.00 5.00 4 Inter corporate deposit received back - 5.00 All above transactions are with Rudolf Atul Chemicals Ltd. ( ` cr) Note 29.4 (D) Transactions with entity over which control exercised by joint venturer 2019-20 2018-19 a) Sales and income 1 Commission received 0.82 0.61 Rudolf GmbH 0.82 0.61 b) Purchases and expenses 1 Purchase of goods 11.72 14.00 Rudolf GmbH 11.72 14.00 2 Insurance expense 0.04 0.05 Rudolf GmbH 0.04 0.05 3 Business promotion and development 0.89 - Rudolf Hub 1922 S.r.l 0.89 - All above transactions are with Rudolf Atul Chemicals Ltd. ( ` cr) Note 29.4 (E) Key Management Personnel compensation 2019-20 2018-19 Remuneration 20.24 17.36 1 Short-term employee benefits 18.15 15.18 2 Post-employment benefits 1 0.94 0.84 3 Commission and other benefits to Non-Executive | Independent Directors 1.15 1.34 4 Interest on deposits from Directors (Previous year: ` 2,181) - 1 Compensation exclude provision for gratuity and compensated absences since these are based on actuarial valuation on an overall company basis.